Renovations / Remodels

We have the ability to remodel and renovate every aspect of your yard, from pools and spas to landscape and outdoor living spaces.

Splash Pools

Tile & Coping

If you need your tile and or coping upgraded we have a wide selection of tile and coping options and styles that you can choose from. You can stop by our show room to take a look at all of the options we have for you.


When it comes to decking there are many different options to choose from. The decking that surrounds your pool should be easy and comfortable to walk on as well as pleasing to the eye.

Splash Pools
Splash Pools

Equipment Upgrades

Over time everything gets a little older and starts to breakdown! But that’s’ not a problem because we can upgrade your equipment including your pipes, water features, heaters and automation capabilities. Fill out the form below or give us a call and we can start upgrading your pool systems immediately.